Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 6: 13/16


While, During the time that ~


Verb[ている]+ (あいだ)


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About ているあいだに

When (A) ている is paired with (あいだ) (B), it expresses that '(B) is happening/happened within the timeframe of (A)'. These events do not need to be related in any specific way, but the (B) action must happen somewhere within the duration of (A). This construction translates naturally as 'during the time that (A), (B)'.
  • ねえ、(かぞ)ている(あいだ)(はな)かけるな。
    Hey, don't talk to me while I'm counting.
  • 荷物(にもつ)(はこ)でいる(あいだ)(ころ)怪我(けが)
    I tripped and hurt myself when I was carrying luggage.
ている(あいだ) will often be used when the (B) action is somehow beyond the control of the speaker. However, this is not always the case.
  • 旅行(りょこう)()ている(あいだ)(いえ)泥棒(どろぼう)(はい)
    While I was on a trip, a burglar came into my house.
Fun Fact
(あいだ) literally means an 'interval', and therefore highlights the (A) event as being the 'whole' span of time, within which (B) happened/will happen at some point.



  • (つま)()ている(あいだ)(わたし)()ことができる

    While my wife is sleeping, I can do what I like.

    • サッカーている(あいだ)電話(でんわ)かかってきました

      I got a phone call while playing soccer.

      • 勉強(べんきょう)ている(あいだ)(なか)()いてきた

        I became hungry while studying.

        • 映画(えいが)()ている(あいだ)(とう)さん(かえ)って()

          While I was watching a movie, my father came home.

          • 運転(うんてん)ている(あいだ)()(まえ)事故(じこ)()こった。

            While I was driving, an accident happened right before my eyes.

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            ているあいだに – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

            • mrnoone




              It points that action expressed by verbていた has already been completed at the moment of speech.

              So it means:
              (What the heck were you doing while I was at the gym?)

              But, in this case:
              also means
              (What the heck were you doing while I was at the gym?), because the tense is expressed at the end of the sentence anyway. So if the action at the end was finished and it took place during the 間に action then obviously 間に is also finished.

              I wouldn’t use ていた間に when talking about the present or future though.
              Using ている間に is generally much more common.

              By the way, verb[た]+間に is not used.

              I hope it helps,

            • Ochamame


              Why is ハイキングしている間に狼の鳴き声が聞こえた。wrong? Do particles have to be dropped before 間に?

            • yusanchan


              I have difficulty in comparing ている間に and ているところ, when shall i use them, or are they very similar or the same? I always mixed up the answer during review.

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