Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 8: 7/19


(Emphatic) if, If it is the case that, As (you wish)


Noun + ()+ とあれば


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About とあれば

とあれば is a grammar pattern in Japanese that is used as an emphatic version of なら 'if'. It will primarily be used in formal situations, or for literary effect, such as in a novel. It may be translated as 'if (A) is the case, then (B)', or 'should (A) be true, then (B)'.
This is a combination of the case-marking particle と, and the hypothetical form of the う-Verb ある 'to be', あれば.
とあれば will primarily follow nouns, but is occasionally also seen after other structures such as verbs and adjectives when the と is being used as a quotation.
  • データを復元(ふくげん)できるとあれば、いくらでも()します!
    If it is for recovering my data, I would pay whatever you offer!
  • 状態(じょうたい)がいいとあれば4(まん)(えん)ぐらいで()れると(おも)いますよ。
    If it is in good condition, I think you'd be able to sell it for 40,000 yen.
  • 先輩(せんぱい)指示(しじ)とあれば(したが)わないわけにはいけないけど、絶対(ぜったい)(わたし)のやり(かた)(ほう)効率(こうりつ)がいいと(おも)うのに。
    It is my Senpai's orders so I have to do it, but I swear my way is a lot more efficient.
  • (まえ)(たの)とあればやるしかないだろ。(おれ)(まか)せろ。
    If it is your wish, I have to do it. Leave it up to me.
(A) is often some special circumstance or condition that leads to the conclusion or assumption of (B), were (A) to be accurate. As this expression is emphatic, (B) will usually indicate something that must be done, or can't be avoided with structures like しかない, なければならない, ざるを得ない, etc.
Fun Fact
とあれば tends to appear with のため before it quite often. This can be translated as 'if for the purpose of (A)', and will describe the lengths that the speaker is willing to go for (A) in (B).
  • 息子(むすこ)のためとあればどれだけでも残業(ざんぎょう)をする。
    If it is for my son, I will do as much overtime as I have to.


  • 息子(むそこ)のためあれ()(なか)でも()()みます。

    If it is for my son, I would even dive into a fire.

    • A:「お(ねが)があって。ねえ()いてくれる?」

      A: 'I have a request. Will you listen?'
      B: 'Of course. If it is your wish, I will listen to everything. What (is it)?'

      • A:「あすの(あさ)でも()てるか?」

        A: 'Are you leaving tomorrow morning?'
        B: 'If it is necessary (I will have no choice, but to go).'

        The latter clause can be omitted. The necessity of doing something is generally implied in that case.

        • 小説(しょうせつ):「皇帝(こうてい)陛下(へいか)命令(めいれい)あれせざるを()ない!」

          Novel: 'If it is his Highness's order, then I will have no choice but to do it.'

          • 小説(しょうせつ)誘拐犯(ゆうかいはん)「おまえの父親(ちちおや)は、おまえのためあれ法外(ほうがい)巨額(きょがく)身代金(みのしろきん)でも(よろこ)んで(はら)だろう。」

            Novel, kidnapper: 'Your father, if it is for you, will gladly pay even an absurdly large ransom.'

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