Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 3: 3/22


Emphasized because, Precisely because


Verb + からこそ + Phrase
Noun + + からこそ + Phrase


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About からこそ

Traditionally, the adverbial particle こそ is used to emphasize whatever noun (or noun phrase) it is attached to. However, when combined with the conjunction particle から, it focuses on emphasizing the 'reason' for something. This structure is very similar to phrases like 'precisely because (A)' in English.
からこそ is an expression that is primarily used after either verbs or nouns. In the case of nouns, the noun will need to be followed by the auxiliary verb , before からこそ is added.
  • (おれ)努力(どりょく)したからこそ試験(しけん)合格(ごうかく)できたんだよ。(あたま)いいからだけじゃないよ。
    I was able to pass the test, precisely because I gave it my all. It's not only because I am smart.
  • 先輩(せんぱい)色々(いろいろ)(おし)えて(もら)ったからこそ(わたし)ここまでこれたのです
    I was able to get to where I am now because of all the things you, senpai, have taught me.
  • (きみ)からこそできたんだよ。(おれ)にはまだそんな(すご)(こと)出来(でき)ない
    You were able to do it precisely because it was you. I can't do anything that amazing yet.
  • ここ綺麗(きれい)(かわ)からこそ、こんな美味(おい)しい(さかな)()れるんですよ。
    You can catch great fish here precisely because the river is so clean.
With からこそ, there may be several reasons for why something is the way it is, but こそ will show that there is a 'foremost' reason that should be considered before anything else.
  • タナカ(くん)(やす)みなのに仕事(しごと)()てくれたからこそ準備(じゅんび)(はや)()わったり、()()までに仕事(しごと)()わらせることができたんです
    We were able to finish with the prep work and finish work by the deadline, precisely because you, Tanaka-kun, came into work even though it was your day off.


  • あなた案内(あんない)してくれたからこそ(たの)しい旅行(りょこう)ができた。

    Precisely because you were our guide, we were able to enjoy our trip.

    • 毎日(まいにち)努力(どりょく)をしたからこそ一番(いちばん)になれた。

      Precisely because I worked hard every day, I was able to become number one.

      • (きみ)手伝(てつだ)いがあったからこそ(おお)きな(いし)(うご)かすことができた。

        Precisely because you helped, we were able to move the large rock.

        • 操作(そうさ)簡単(かんたん)からこそ、お年寄(としよ)りにも人気(にんき)がある

          That is even popular among the elderly precisely because it is easy to control.

          • あなたからこそ相談(そうだん)したんです。

            I talked things over with you precisely because it is you.

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            からこそ – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

            • wct


              This question is not actually regarding からこそ, but regarding one of the example sentences under からこそ, namely this one:

              Specifically, the bold part which, as far as I can tell, is a conjugation of やって来る. I have not seen such a conjugation before, which I assume is from:

              くる → これる → これた

              From Jisho, the conjugations of くる have ‘potential’ as こられる, which is also the same as for ‘passive’. But nothing for これる.

              Is this a special conjugation of くる? A colloquial short-form of こられる? A completely different word?

              Most importantly, is it covered in BunPro? And if so, which grammar point? I did a search, but couldn’t find anything that seemed related. The closest thing I found was for ~てくる, but that doesn’t mention this kind of conjugation.


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