Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 1: 2/17


Even if ~ cannot or will not, Even though ~ not

The た-form is generally not used in the clause following ところで


Verb[た]+ ところで +Phrase[ない]


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About たところで

~たところで is a grammar construction that combines the simple-past form of a verb, the noun ところ 'place', and the case-marking particle で.
As with most other grammar patterns that ところ is seen with, the focus is on the situation of the verb occurring. ~たところで is often translated as 'even if (A), not (B)', or 'even if (A), it won't be (B)'.
This 'even if' nuance is created by the fact that ~たところで sentences will never have something in the past tense in the second half of the sentence, despite using the past tense before ところ. This is similar to the English 'even if (A) were to happen, (B) would still not occur'.
  • 今更(いまさら)勉強(べんきょう)(はじ)たところで合格(ごうかく)はできないだろう。
    Even if I were to start studying now, I would not be able to pass.
  • もう電車(でんしゃ)発車(はっしゃ)してしまったから、(いそ)だところで()()わないよ。
    The train has already left, so even if you hurry, you won't make it.
  • (すこ)(はし)たところで、すぐには()せないよ。
    Just merely by running, you won't lose weight that quickly.
As can be seen by the examples above, ~たところで will convey things that are counter to what the speaker either wants to, or wishes would happen. Due to this, the (B) half of the sentence will almost always be something unfavorable.
Fun Fact
Due to ~たところで always marking some kind of negative result in (B), (A) will often be preceded by words such as (いま)さら, いくら, or どんなに. These usually just emphasize the frustration that the speaker feels about the inevitable result.


  • (わたし)告白(こくはく)ところで彼女(かのじょ)(おう)ないだろう。

    Even if I confessed my love, she wouldn't respond.

    • 徹夜(てつや)勉強(べんきょう)ところで合格(ごうかく)ない

      Even if I studied all night, I would not pass.

      • すみませんが、(いま)注文(ちゅうもん)をキャンセルしところで(かね)返金(へんきん)できません

        I am sorry, even if you cancel the order now, we cannot refund your money.

        • 「いまごろ(くるま)に乗っていっところで()()いようがない。」

          Even if you went by the car right now, it is impossible to be on time.

          たところで is often used with phrases like いまごろ and いまさら.

          • (あやま)ってみところで彼女(かのじょ)(ゆる)してくれるわけじゃないけど。」

            'Even if I try to apologize, it doesn' t mean she will forgive me.'

            たところで is often used with てみる meaning 'even if (someone) tries (something)...'.

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