Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 1: 10/18


Just by, Just with


Verb + だけ
Noun + だけ


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About だけで

だけで is a combination of the adverbial particle だけ, and the case marking particle. This expression is regularly thought of as meaning 'just by (A), (B)'. However, the literal translation is a bit closer to 'with only (A), (B)'. This reflects the particle's standard usage of showing a 'tool' that is being used to achieve a certain result.
To use だけで, simply attach it to the end of any (non ます) form of verb, or noun.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)(はな)だけで(たの)
    Just talking with my girlfriend is fun. (We don't need to do anything else, because talking is fun enough)
  • これ電子(でんし)レンジだけでオーブン機能(きのう)ついていない
    This is just a microwave, an oven function is not included.
Fun Fact
だけ differs from しか in one very important way. だけ highlights that there is/was more than one option, but that only one thing was chosen/used. However, しか implies that there is only one possible option to begin with.


  • パーティー()だけで(たの)しい

    Just going to a party is fun.

    • (かお)()だけで(かれ)いい(ひと)()かった

      I could tell he was a good person just by his face.

      • 一緒(いっしょ)時間(じかん)()ごすだけで仲良(なかよ)くなりました。

        We became good friends just by spending time together.

        • (かれ)()だけで性格(せいかく)(わる)()かった

          Just by looking at him I determined that he had a bad personality.

          • 家族(かぞく)一緒(いっしょ)()だけで(しあわ)

            Just by being with my family I am happy.

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            だけで – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

            • eefara


              Hmm. So if you changed the sentence to
              見舞いに行くだけいいよ。, how would that change the meaning? Would that be ungrammatical now?

            • mrnoone


              だけいい can be used in some context but will mean a little bit different thing. While Aだけでいい will mean that something is good enough and nothing else is needed,
              Aだけいい will mean that the situation is not good, but A is better than nothing (or better than some other situation that is mentioned). Basically comparison.
              You can also say the same thing using だけまし.

              Coming even if just for 5 minutes is better than nothing.


            • deltacat3


              Just by you saying that I know that you are nice.

              Why is 優しい marked with と? Is this a quotation of sorts?

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