Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 9: 10/22


Over (a period), From ~ until, Through

There is another use of にかけては that indicates that someone/something is remarkable in a certain field


Noun + かけて()


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About にかけて

Coming from the る - Verb ()ける 'to suspend', にかけて conveys that something is happening 'over a period of time', 'from (A) until (B)', or 'all through (A)'. This grammar structure is a combination of the case marking particle , and ()ける combined with the conjunction particle て. Literally, the meaning can be thought of as follows:
- Marks (A) as the location/state.
()けて - States that something is 'suspended' (in an ongoing process) in that location/state.
The 'something' that is an ongoing process will usually be indicated by a (B) part of the sentence. This expression will primarily be used with nouns.
  • 今夜(こんや)から(あさ)にかけて大雨(おおあめ)()でしょう
    It looks like it will rain from tonight through til the morning.
  • 毎年(まいとし)、3月末(さんがつまつ)から5(がつ)(あたま)にかけて(おお)(ひと)()()します。
    Every year, a lot of people move from the end of March through the beginning of May.
にかけて is primarily used in written language, although it appears quite often in the news as well, indicating that some weather pattern is expected to continue for a set period of time.
Occasionally, the adverbial particle は is used after にかけて. This transforms the meaning of 'all through (A)', to something similar to 'limited to within (A)'. Any (B) phrase in these types of sentences will be contrasting (B) with (A), rather than saying (B) is occurring within (A).
  • (いま)(あめ)()ている(あさ)にかけて()れるでしょう
    It is raining right now, but it seems like it will clear up during the morning. (Limited to the extent of tomorrow morning)
  • 今月(こんげつ)から来月(らいげつ)にかけて(いそが)しい時期(じき)になるので無理(むり)せずに頑張(がんば)てください
    Limited from this month through until next month, it is going to be a busy season, so please do your best without overworking yourself.
As we can see by these examples, this is an extension of the standard use of は, which shows that everything before it is a 'set state'. Therefore '(A) は (B)', means that 'only (A) defines (A), (B) is a separate entity/discussion'.


  • (こん)週末(しゅうまつ)にかけて(あめ)()でしょう。

    It looks like it is going to rain over the weekend.

    • あのスーパー今日(きょう)から、明日(あす)にかけて、セールがあるらしい。

      I heard that that supermarket is having a sale from today through tomorrow.

      にかけて is very often used with から.

      • この一年(いちねん)にかけて、いろいろなことを経験(けいけん)したい。

        I want to experience a variety of things over this next year.

        • 先週(せんしゅう)にかけて()った大雪(おおゆき)が、まだ全然(ぜんぜん)()けない。

          It kept snowing all through last week, and it hasn't melted yet.

          • 来年(らいねん)にかけて目標(もくひょう)()ててください。

            Please establish your goals over the next year.

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            にかけて – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

            • Daru


              にかけて highlights the time period itself, whereas を通して highlights the passing of.

              Due to this nature in nuance, にかけて is more natural, although it’s not wrong to use を通して.

              Hope this helps!

            • Humin


              The book “A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar” lists this as ~から~にかけて on page 101.

              The book “A Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar” also has this to say on page 451:

              On the other hand, X ni kakete cannot be used when X represents a span of time, number of occurrences or items, a topic area, or distance/area.

              It seems like half the example sentences violate this rule. Is there something I’m missing?

            • nekoyama


              I think that rule is just very literal (in English). E.g. “a weekend” is a timespan of two days (can’t use にかけて), but “this weekend” is not a timespan because it also has a specific start and end point (can use にかけて because there’s a fixed end point).

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