Info. de Vocabulario

A3 Adjetivo の, Pronombre

丸出(まるだ)exposing fully, uncovering completely, being in full view, putting on display, not disguising

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Adjetivo の, Pronombre


      desnudo, expuesto, manifiesto, cerrado (acento provinciano)

    Todas las formas

    丸出し 【まるだし】

    ComúnPoco común


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      I was teased when I spoke with my dialect fully exposed.


        The baby having its diaper changed is exposing fully its bottom.


          I'm at a loss where to look because my husband is walking around with his lower half fully exposed.


            Although my daughter always pretends to be someone she's not, at home she spends her time with her personality fully exposed.


              Rather than trying not to reveal your dialect forcibly, it's better to let it be fully exposed so you can speak freely.

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