Info. de Vocabulario

N3 Pronombre

体制(たいせい)order, system, structure, set-up, organization, organisation

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      organización, sistema, arquitectura

    Todas las formas

    体制 【たいせい】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Discussing the management structure of the company.

      • N3


      The country I live in has a capitalist system.

      • N3


      We discussed the number of personnel required among individuals on the organizational side.

      • N3


      Let's take a temporary closure and work on restructuring the management system during that period.

      • N3


      It can be said that replacing the executives and strengthening the system turned out to be a good decision in the end.

      • N2
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