Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre

俗語(ぞくご)colloquialism, colloquial language

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      argot, jerga

    Todas las formas

    俗語 【ぞくご】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Colloquial language is inappropriate in the workplace. {colloquialism, colloquial language}

      • N1


      The colloquialism "yabai" is often used. {colloquialism, colloquial language}

      • N1


      In academic papers and reports, you cannot use colloquial language. {colloquialism, colloquial language}

      • N1


      Colloquial language on the internet may not necessarily be understood in real-life conversations. {colloquialism, colloquial language}

      • N1


      He often uses colloquial language, thus he frequently receives bewildered looks from his older superiors. {colloquialism, colloquial language}

      • N1
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