Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre

全額(ぜんがく)total, full amount, sum

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    Todas las formas

    全額 【ぜんがく】

    ComúnPoco común


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      I want to repay the total amount of my debt quickly. {total, full amount, sum}

      • N1


      Excellent students will have the full amount of their tuition fees waived. {total, full amount, sum}

      • N1


      Since I can't trust the bank, I withdrew the full amount of my deposit. {total, full amount, sum}

      • N1


      Paying the full amount at once for expensive purchases such as cars and houses is impossible. {total, full amount, sum}

      • N1


      Although the bank has announced bankruptcy, it is said that they will refund the total amount of deposits to the users. {total, full amount, sum}

      • N1
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