Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre, Adjetivo の

初歩(しょほ)basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Adjetivo の


      primeros pasos, fundamentos, bases

    Todas las formas

    初歩 【しょほ】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

    • Novelas Top 19.600




      A six-year-old child is learning the basics of English from the beginning. {basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...}

      • N1


      I was taught the basics of Shogi by my grandfather when I was little. {basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...}

      • N1


      Professor: "Today, I will teach the basics of psychology. From next week, we will move on to its applications." {basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...}

      • N1


      Since I've learned the basics of cooking, I intend to challenge myself with various dishes from now on. {basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...}

      • N1


      Teacher: "If you stumble over such basics, you'll be left behind in the future!" {basics, rudiments, elements, ABCs of ...}

      • N1
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