Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre, Pronombre usado como sufijo

(けん)ticket, coupon, bond, certificate

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Pronombre usado como sufijo


      boleto, cupón, bono, certificado

    Todas las formas

    券 【けん】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

    • Diccionario Top 6500




      Show the movie ticket to the staff member. {ticket, coupon, bond, certificate}

      • N1


      The invitation ticket for the party has arrived. {ticket, coupon, bond, certificate}

      • N1


      Let's purchase a ticket to enter the amusement park. {ticket, coupon, bond, certificate}

      • N1


      I heard that there are two types of securities: valuable securities and evidential securities. {ticket, coupon, bond, certificate}

      • N1


      According to my father, this stock certificate represents the status of a shareholder. {ticket, coupon, bond, certificate}

      • N1
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