Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo intransitivo

()がれるto come unstuck from

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    Todas las formas

    剥がれる 【はがれる】剝がれる 【はがれる】

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      The poster came unstuck from the wall due to the heavy rain. {to come unstuck from}

      • N1


      The wallpaper came unstuck from the wall, so I reattached it with adhesive. {to come unstuck from}

      • N1


      When my nail came unstuck, the pain was so severe that I couldn't sleep at night. {to come unstuck from}

      • N1


      The stamp seemed like it was about to come unstuck, so I reinforced it by applying tape over it. {to come unstuck from}

      • N1


      If you had just waited for the scab to come unstuck naturally, there wouldn't have been any bleeding! {to come unstuck from}

      • N1
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