Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre, Adjetivo の

右利(みぎき)right-handedness, right-hander

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    右利き 【みぎきき】

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      There are more right-handed people than left-handed people. {right-handedness, right-hander}

      • N1


      Since I am right-handed, I hold chopsticks with my right hand. {right-handedness, right-hander}

      • N1


      Even though my mother is right-handed, she uses her left hand only when drawing pictures. {right-handedness, right-hander}

      • N1


      Even though I'm left-handed, I ended up buying a knife for right-handers, so I decided to return it. {right-handedness, right-hander}

      • N1


      If a right-handed person and a left-handed person play Hyakunin Isshu, who would have the advantage? {right-handedness, right-hander}

      • N1
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