Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre

(うめ)(ごえ)groan, moan, moaning

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    Todas las formas

    うめき声 【うめきごえ】呻き声 【うめきごえ】

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      The woman who was being assaulted let out a moan. {groan, moan, moaning}

      • N1


      It is better not to approach animals that are making groaning sounds. {groan, moan, moaning}

      • N1


      The woman who is moaning must be in considerable pain. {groan, moan, moaning}

      • N1


      The sight of my wife giving birth, raising a moan, is something I will never forget in my life. {groan, moan, moaning}

      • N1


      I can hear something like a groan or moan coming from the cave, but I wonder what kind of animal is in there? {groan, moan, moaning}

      • N1
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