Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Verbo する, Verbo transitivo, Pronombre

圧倒(あっとう)to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo する, Verbo transitivo, Pronombre


      abrumar, aplastar, derribar

    Todas las formas

    圧倒 【あっとう】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

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      I was completely overwhelmed by the beauty of the aurora. {to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten}

      • N1


      I was overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility that came with being a department manager, and I felt a bit dizzy. {to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten}

      • N1


      Overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the newcomer, we decided to adopt her opinion. {to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten}

      • N1


      Overwhelmed by the number of enemies, we lost our will to fight and had no choice but to surrender. {to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten}

      • N1


      Overwhelmed by the majestic scenery, I, being a photographer, simply gazed at the landscape for a while. {to overwhelm (e.g. an opponent), to overpower, to crush, to defeat completely, to overwhelm (someone with emotion), to move, to impress, to fill with emotion, to intimidate, to frighten, to threaten}

      • N1
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