Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre

()wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      pedo, flatulencia, ventosidad

    Todas las formas


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      I accidentally let out a fart. {wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering}

      • N1


      When I drink carbonated water, I often fart. {wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering}

      • N1


      I was embarrassed when they noticed that I had farted. {wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering}

      • N1


      I ended up with a stomachache because I held in a fart during the date. {wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering}

      • N1


      I heard that eating sweet potatoes makes it easier to fart, but is that really true? {wind, gas, fart, something worthless, something not worth considering}

      • N1
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