Info. de Vocabulario

N3 Pronombre, Adjetivo の, Adverbio

当初(とうしょ)at first

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Adverbio


      al principio, en un principio

    Todas las formas

    当初 【とうしょ】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

    • General Top 2500




      This is the venue that was initially planned.

      • N3


      There are many differences between the initial plan and the current plan.

      • N3


      Our married life has not been going well from the beginning.

      • N3


      If we hadn't reviewed the initial plan, we would have encountered many problems by now.

      • N3


      Due to budget constraints, we decided to change the wedding dress we initially had in mind.

      • N2
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