Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Adjetivo い

(せわ)しないrestless, fidgety, in a hurry

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    Todas las formas

    忙しない 【せわしない】

    ComúnPoco común


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      I was not busy today, despite having many things to do. {restless, fidgety, in a hurry}

      • N1


      I'm living restless days, so I don't have any spare time. {restless, fidgety, in a hurry}

      • N1


      My husband got up restlessly, knocking over the glass on the table. {restless, fidgety, in a hurry}

      • N1


      I've been working restlessly all this week, and I've been looking forward to the holiday. {restless, fidgety, in a hurry}

      • N1


      This family restaurant is bustling with people coming and going, and many people use it every day. {restless, fidgety, in a hurry}

      • N1
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