Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo

(おそ)れるto fear, to be afraid of

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo


      temer, tener miedo, haber riesgo de, existir peligro de, temer, tener miedo de, temer, tener miedo, haber riesgo de, existir peligro de, temer, tener miedo (de o a)

    Todas las formas

    恐れる 【おそれる】怖れる 【おそれる】畏れる 【おそれる】懼れる 【おそれる】惧れる 【おそれる】

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      Let's not be afraid of failure and take on many challenges! {to fear, to be afraid of}

      • N1


      Tuberculosis is a disease that is greatly feared by society. {to fear, to be afraid of}

      • N1


      The detective who arrested the criminal is afraid of retaliation from the criminal. {to fear, to be afraid of}

      • N1


      Because we are human, the emotion of fearing death is extremely normal. {to fear, to be afraid of}

      • N1


      Having been relentlessly ridiculed about my appearance, I always live in fear of being seen by others. {to fear, to be afraid of}

      • N1
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