Info. de Vocabulario

N3 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo intransitivo

(あこが)れるto long for, to yearn after, to admire, to be attracted by

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo Ichidan, Verbo intransitivo


      echar de menos, añorar, extrañar, anhelar, ansiar, admirar, suspirar por, sertirse atraído por

    Todas las formas

    憧れる 【あこがれる】憬れる 【あこがれる】

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      I long for a relaxed life in the countryside.

      • N3


      I have admired being a full-time homemaker since I was young.

      • N3


      To be honest, I secretly admire my classmate Nanami.

      • N3


      In the past, there weren't many kids who aspired to be video content creators on platforms.

      • N3


      While I say I aspire to be an astronaut, I don't mean it seriously.

      • N2
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