Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre, Adjetivo な (形容動詞)

懇意(こんい)kindness, intimacy, friendship

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Adjetivo な (形容動詞)


      íntimo, familiar, próximo

    Todas las formas

    懇意 【こんい】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Being with someone with whom I share a close relationship or friendship puts me at ease. {kindness, intimacy, friendship}

      • N1


      Saying goodbye to someone with whom I've had a friendship for over ten years is sad. {kindness, intimacy, friendship}

      • N1


      Employee: "Mr. Tanaka, we look forward to your continued kindness and friendship." {kindness, intimacy, friendship}

      • N1


      I plan to go to dinner because I was invited by someone with whom I have a close friendship with on a daily basis. {kindness, intimacy, friendship}

      • N1


      I have a close friendship with the president over there, and I often receive their products. {kindness, intimacy, friendship}

      • N1
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