Info. de Vocabulario
A1 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo intransitivo
戯れるto be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with
Definiciones del Diccionario
Verbo Ichidan, Verbo intransitivo
juguetear, enredar, tontear, retozar, travesear, triscar, flirtear, bromear
Todas las formas
戯れる 【たわむれる】、戯れる 【ざれる】
Común・Poco común
Acento Tonal
Diccionario Top 9600
- N1
- N1
- N1
- N1
- N1
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The surfer is frolicking with the waves in the sea. {to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with}
When I frolic with a puppy, I feel happy. {to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with}
The colleague who is always joking around and teasing others is disliked. {to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with}
I decided to depict the scene of a butterfly frolicking with the flowers on a canvas. {to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with}
The sight of the cat playing with the ball is just so adorable... I could watch it forever. {to be playful, to gambol, to be amused (with something), to play, to sport, to frolic, to joke, to flirt with}
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