Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre

(たわむ)play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      jugueteo, coqueteo, broma

    Todas las formas

    戯れ 【たわむれ】

    ComúnPoco común


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      The elementary school students are playing in the park. {play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation}

      • N1


      I believe that flirting or having a playful love is a waste of time. {play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation}

      • N1


      It seems that people in the past used to enjoy themselves by playfully reading songs. {play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation}

      • N1


      Teacher: "Hey you two, stop fooling around! This is a school!" {play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation}

      • N1


      I can't believe that something I wrote just for fun is being published as a book...! {play, sport, fun, caprice, joke, jest, flirtation}

      • N1
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