Info. de Vocabulario

N4 う-Verb

()to hit, to strike, to knock, to beat, to punch, to slap, to tap, to bang, to clap, to pound, to strike (noon, etc.), to sound (cymbals, etc.), to beat (a drum, etc.), to beat (rhythmically, e.g. pulse, waves, etc.), to move, to impress, to touch, to drive in, to hammer in, to put in, to inject, to type, to send, to transmit, to insert, to write in, to mark, to make (noodles, etc.), to prepare, to till (soil), to sprinkle, to throw, to cast, to do, to carry out, to play, to perform, to engage in (gambling, etc.), to pay (a deposit, etc.), to visit (on a pilgrimage), to line (a coat), to bind (a criminal)


    • Acento Tonal

    • Diccionario Top 400

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      To hit a sandbag with all your might.

      • N4


      You can hear the rain hitting the roof hard.

      • N4


      My son came home after being drenched by the rain and was not in the least bit happy.

      • N4


      She slapped her boyfriend's cheek for cheating on her as hard as she could.

      • N3


      My heart beat is pounding violently after running as fast as I can for about 200 meters for the first time in a long time.

      • N3
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