Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo

(かす)めるto steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo


      rozar, rasar, pasar rozando, hurtar

    Todas las formas

    掠める 【かすめる】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Audio

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      The thief snatched my father's wallet. {to steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate}

      • N1


      The employee is slacking off, escaping the president's notice. {to steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate}

      • N1


      A bird grazed me as it flew past, causing me to instinctively crouch down. {to steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate}

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      My parents caught me smoking a cigarette out of the corner of their eye and yelled at me. {to steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate}

      • N1


      Stealing other people's property without permission is a crime, and there is a possibility of going to prison. {to steal, to rob, to snatch, to pocket, to plunder, to deceive, to trick, to cheat, to graze (in passing), to skim, to brush against, to touch lightly, to appear and quickly disappear (a thought, a smile, etc.), to flit (through one's mind, across one's face), to do (something) while no one is looking, to hint at, to suggest, to insinuate}

      • N1
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