Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo intransitivo

没頭(ぼっとう)immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo intransitivo


      inmerso, sumergido

    Todas las formas

    没頭 【ぼっとう】

    ComúnPoco común


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      My son is immersing himself in a game. {immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to}

      • N1


      The business succeeded because I devoted myself entirely to it. {immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to}

      • N1


      I ended up neglecting my family by immersing myself entirely in my work. {immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to}

      • N1


      I ended up getting sick because I was so immersed in writing that I forgot to sleep. {immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to}

      • N1


      Immersing oneself in work is wonderful, but I don't admire neglecting one's family. {immersing oneself, devoting oneself, giving oneself up entirely to}

      • N1
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