Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Adjetivo な (形容動詞), Pronombre

清潔(せいけつ)clean, hygienic, sanitary, pure, virtuous, immaculate

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Adjetivo な (形容動詞), Pronombre


      limpieza, pulcritud, pureza, limpio, pulcro, puro

    Todas las formas

    清潔 【せいけつ】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Taking a bath to keep my body clean.

      • N1


      There are many people on the battlefield who cannot wear clean clothes.

      • N1


      The politician promised the citizens to conduct an honest election.

      • N1


      People involved in relationships like sugar-daddy relationships or friends with benefits can't be considered virtuous.

      • N1


      If they had been able to drink sanitary water, they would not have died...!

      • N1
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