Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo intransitivo

()to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo intransitivo


      disminuir (en tamaño o número), menguar, amainar

    Todas las formas

    減る 【へる】

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      Due to the lack of rain, the water level in the river has decreased. {to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate}

      • N1


      Since my income has decreased, I need to curb my expenses. {to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate}

      • N1


      Due to walking a lot on uneven roads, my shoes have diminished in size. {to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate}

      • N1


      Employee: "The car's tires have decreased in size, so it would be better to replace them." {to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate}

      • N1


      If the population continues to decrease at this rate, we will likely face a labor shortage in the near future. {to decrease (in size or number), to diminish, to abate}

      • N1
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