Info. de Vocabulario

N2 Verbo godan terminado en 'す', Verbo transitivo

(ほろ)ぼすto destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo godan terminado en 'す', Verbo transitivo


      destruir, derrocar, hundir, arruinar

    Todas las formas

    滅ぼす 【ほろぼす】亡ぼす 【ほろぼす】滅す 【ほろぼす】

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      The use of nuclear weapons will destroy humanity. {to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin}

      • N2


      A war was initiated to destroy the neighboring country. {to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin}

      • N2


      Sadly, my brother ruined his life with drugs. {to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin}

      • N2


      Nuclear and chemical weapons can destroy humanity. They must not be used. {to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin}

      • N2

      (ほん)のタイトル:「低賃金(ていちんぎん)消費税(しょうひぜい)日本(にほん)(ほろ)ぼす復活(ふっかつ)のための十箇条(じゅっかじょう) 〜」

      Book Title: 'Low Wages and Consumption Tax will Ruin Japan - Ten Commandments for Revival' {to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin}

      • N2
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