Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre

(すべ)(だい)(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre



    Todas las formas

    滑り台 【すべりだい】すべり台 【すべりだい】

    ComúnPoco común


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      The children are playing by sliding down the (playground) slide. {(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed}

      • N1


      The slide and jungle gym are major playground equipment in the park. {(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed}

      • N1


      When I slid down the playground slide with great momentum, I accidentally burned my thigh. {(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed}

      • N1


      If I stopped near the bottom of the playground slide, a different child slid down from the top. {(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed}

      • N1


      There's no match for the thrill of speeding down a playground slide. {(playground) slide, (ship) launching platform, sliding bed}

      • N1
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