Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre

白鳥(はくちょう)swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre



    2. Pronombre


      pájaro de plumas blancas

    Todas las formas

    白鳥 【はくちょう】白鳥 【しらとり】白鳥 【しろとり】ハクチョウ

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      The swan is a water bird with a large body. {swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird}

      • N1


      At the lake, the swan is eating aquatic plants from the bottom of the water. {swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird}

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      In Japan, a swan called the Whooper Swan comes in the winter. {swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird}

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      Watching the swans flapping their wings and taking off from the lake, I could sense the magnitude of these white-feathered birds. {swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird}

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      It is said that swans called the Tundra Swan and the Whooper Swan migrate to Japan in the winter. {swan (Cygnus spp.), white-feathered bird}

      • N1
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