Info. de Vocabulario

N3 Pronombre


    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre



    Todas las formas

    皮膚 【ひふ】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

    • Diccionario Top 1700




      The color of skin varies among different races.

      • N3


      I got acne on the skin of my face, so I should go to a skin doctor. (Dermatologist)

      • N3


      In our daily life, we often use the word ‘skin’ to refer to our outer layer of skin.

      • N3


      My skin is sensitive to sunlight, so I have to cover my entire body with clothing.

      • N3


      I had an allergic reaction because I used a cream that didn't suit my skin.

      • N2
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