Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre

皿洗(さらあら)washing-up, dish-washing

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    皿洗い 【さらあらい】

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      I do the dish-washing after meals. {washing-up, dish-washing}

      • N1


      Cooking and dish-washing go hand in hand. {washing-up, dish-washing}

      • N1


      On the days my husband cooks, it's decided that I'll be doing the dish-washing. {washing-up, dish-washing}

      • N1


      Since I don't like dish-washing, I make it a point to use a dishwasher. {washing-up, dish-washing}

      • N1


      I try to use as few dishes as possible to reduce the time spent on dish-washing. {washing-up, dish-washing}

      • N1
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