Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo

()()げるto pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo


      elevar, exaltar, avivar, alegrar

    Todas las formas

    盛り上げる 【もりあげる】盛りあげる 【もりあげる】

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      I piled up the soil to create a slope. {to pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax}

      • N1


      To enliven the party, I perform a stunt. {to pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax}

      • N1


      There's no doubt that the speech stirred up the opposition movement. {to pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax}

      • N1


      The slightly dim lighting and music are stirring up the atmosphere of this place. {to pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax}

      • N1


      After I heaped up the rice into the bowl, my daughter told me, "That's too much." {to pile up, to heap up, to stir up, to enliven, to bring to a climax}

      • N1
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