Info. de Vocabulario

N1 Pronombre

眠気(ねむけ)sleepiness, drowsiness

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      sopor, adormecimiento, sueño, somnolencia

    Todas las formas

    眠気 【ねむけ】眠け 【ねむけ】睡気 【ねむけ】

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      The warm, stuffy air made me sleepy.

      • N1


      I pulled an all-nighter yesterday, and now drowsiness is hitting me hard.

      • N1


      I started feeling drowsy, so I used some strong eye drops.

      • N1


      I'm chewing minty gum to fight off sleepiness, but I'm about to lose the battle.

      • N1


      A few cups of strong black coffee will shake off drowsiness in no time.

      • N1
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