Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo

矯正(きょうせい)correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo


      corrección, rectificación, remedio

    Todas las formas

    矯正 【きょうせい】

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      I'm going to correct the rural accent! {correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform}

      • N1


      I had my teeth alignment corrected at the dentist. {correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform}

      • N1


      In the juvenile detention center, the correction of the individuals being held is being conducted. {correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform}

      • N1


      Ophthalmologist: "Let's measure the vision corrected by contact lenses." {correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform}

      • N1


      In order to correct the hunched posture, a correction band is being worn around the back. {correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.), remedy, rectification, redress, reform}

      • N1
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