Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Adjetivo な (形容動詞), Pronombre

穏当(おんとう)proper, reasonable, right, appropriate

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    穏当 【おんとう】

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      I was praised by my boss for taking appropriate action. {proper, reasonable, right, appropriate}

      • N1


      I was complained at for lacking reasonableness in handling it. {proper, reasonable, right, appropriate}

      • N1


      If there is a reasonable solution, it can be resolved peacefully. {proper, reasonable, right, appropriate}

      • N1


      Subordinate: "Please allow me to apologize for the inappropriate remarks I made earlier." {proper, reasonable, right, appropriate}

      • N1


      Even if you express a reasonable opinion, it is not certain whether that opinion is beneficial. {proper, reasonable, right, appropriate}

      • N1
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