Info. de Vocabulario

A1 Verbo godan terminado en 'う', Verbo intransitivo

(きそ)to compete with, to emulate

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo godan terminado en 'う', Verbo intransitivo


      emular, competir con

    Todas las formas

    競う 【きそう】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Compete for the perfection of techniques in the tournament. {to compete with, to emulate}

      • N1


      The boys are competing with each other in terms of height. {to compete with, to emulate}

      • N1


      The marathon competitors are vying for victory. {to compete with, to emulate}

      • N1


      They, who are competing to buy up rare items, are likely resellers. {to compete with, to emulate}

      • N1


      Every time I compete with others at a marriage hunting party, I lose confidence. {to compete with, to emulate}

      • N1
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