Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo

総括(そうかつ)synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise

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    総括 【そうかつ】綜括 【そうかつ】

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      Generalize individual opinions. {synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise}

      • N1


      The spring labor offensive has ended, and we are now recapping the results. {synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise}

      • N1


      I summarized the budget of each department and presented the overall budget. {synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise}

      • N1


      Today, the department head is scheduled to provide a recap at the end of the meeting. {synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise}

      • N1


      President: "We will recap the overall operations of 2023, and based on that, decide the salaries for next year." {synthesis, recap, generalize, generalise}

      • N1
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