Info. de Vocabulario

N1 Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo intransitivo

(ちぢ)まるto shorten, to narrow, to close

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo intransitivo


      encogerse, reducirse, contraerse

    Todas las formas

    縮まる 【ちぢまる】

    ComúnPoco común


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      My lifespan was shortened due to cigarettes and alcohol. {to shorten, to narrow, to close}

      • N1


      Due to the cold, the bodies of the people on the street are shrinking. {to shorten, to narrow, to close}

      • N1


      The time difference has narrowed because daylight saving time has started. {to shorten, to narrow, to close}

      • N1


      Due to the airplane being delayed by a day, the duration of my stay was shortened. {to shorten, to narrow, to close}

      • N1


      If the gap between my personal best and the world record narrows, the coach will probably praise me. {to shorten, to narrow, to close}

      • N1
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