Info. de Vocabulario

N3 Pronombre, Verbo する

誕生(たんじょう)birth, creation, formation

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Verbo する


      nacimiento, aparición

    Todas las formas

    誕生 【たんじょう】

    ComúnPoco común


    • Acento Tonal

    • Novelas Top 2200




      My eldest daughter is expected to be born next month.

      • N3


      A new government was born through the election.

      • N3


      My biological parents gave a congratulatory gift of 50,000 yen to celebrate the birth of their grandchild.

      • N3


      Our eldest son, who was born last year, has become capable of standing on his own without support.

      • N3


      She, who was still a student, not only failed to celebrate the birth of her child, but also abandoned it in the mountains and ran away.

      • N2
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