Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Pronombre

誠意(せいい)sincerity, good faith

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      sinceridad, buena fe

    Todas las formas

    誠意 【せいい】

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    • Audio

    • General Top 8900




      President: "Show sincerity through your work." {sincerity, good faith}

      • N1


      I am satisfied with the gift he gave with sincerity. {sincerity, good faith}

      • N1


      The employee says to the customer: "We will provide our services with utmost sincerity." {sincerity, good faith}

      • N1


      Monologue: "I can feel sincerity in his words... I'll forgive him..." {sincerity, good faith}

      • N1


      She apologized to me, but I couldn't feel any sincerity in her attitude, so I decided to cut off our relationship. {sincerity, good faith}

      • N1
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