Info. de Vocabulario

N1 Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo

運搬(うんぱん)transport, carriage

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo


      transporte de carga

    Todas las formas

    運搬 【うんぱん】

    ComúnPoco común


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      The emergency team transported the patient on a stretcher. {transport, carriage}

      • N1


      This truck is transporting materials that have a heavy weight. {transport, carriage}

      • N1


      A large car or truck is necessary to transport building materials. {transport, carriage}

      • N1


      The pebbles transported downstream by the river water had become considerably smaller compared to a week ago. {transport, carriage}

      • N1


      Nurse: "Blood not only warms the body, but also plays a role in the transport of nutrients." {transport, carriage}

      • N1
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