Info. de Vocabulario

N1 Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo transitivo

(さえぎ)to interrupt, to obstruct (e.g. a view, someone's way), to block (e.g. light, wind), to intercept

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo godan terminado en 'る', Verbo transitivo


      interrumpir, cortar, bloquear

    Todas las formas

    遮る 【さえぎる】

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      The leaves of the tree are blocking the sunlight.

      • N1


      It is rude to interrupt other people's remarks. {to interrupt, to obstruct (e.g. a view, someone's way), to block (e.g. light, wind), to intercept}

      • N1


      I purchased blackout curtains to block direct sunlight. {to interrupt, to obstruct (e.g. a view, someone's way), to block (e.g. light, wind), to intercept}

      • N1


      Grandfather: "One should not drive while the fog is obstructing the view." {to interrupt, to obstruct (e.g. a view, someone's way), to block (e.g. light, wind), to intercept}

      • N1


      I was scolded by the teacher for being rude, as I interrupted the teacher's remarks to ask a question. {to interrupt, to obstruct (e.g. a view, someone's way), to block (e.g. light, wind), to intercept}

      • N1
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