Info. de Vocabulario

N1 Pronombre

銀杏(いちょう)ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre


      Ginkgoaceae, Ginkgoáceas (orden Ginkgoales) (sistemática vegetal)

    Todas las formas

    銀杏 【いちょう】公孫樹 【いちょう】公孫樹 【こうそんじゅ】鴨脚樹 【いちょう】イチョウ

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      The height of a ginkgo tree can reach thirty meters. {ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree}

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      The seeds of the ginkgo, also known as ginkgo or maidenhair tree, are used for food. {ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree}

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      That tree with fan-shaped leaves that have a slit in the middle is a ginkgo. {ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree}

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      The seeds called ginkgo, which are falling under the ginkgo tree, have a pungent smell. {ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree}

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      Cameraman: "The ginkgo leaves have just started to change color, but even so, this scenery is striking." {ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), gingko, maidenhair tree}

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