Info. de Vocabulario

A2 Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo, Verbo intransitivo

()じるto close (e.g. book, eyes, meeting, etc.), to shut

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Verbo Ichidan, Verbo transitivo, Verbo intransitivo


      cerrar (libros, ojos, reunión, etc)

    Todas las formas

    閉じる 【とじる】

    ComúnPoco común


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      In order to save the lake's water, the flood gate was shut

      • N1


      I was surprised because the toilet door closed automatically.

      • N1


      Mother: 'It's already 10 o'clock! It's time to go to bed. Shut your eyelids.'

      • N1


      Perhaps sensing danger, the shell of the clam suddenly shut.

      • N1


      As soon as the meeting closed, the staff members all left the company at once and headed home.

      • N1
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