Info. de Vocabulario

N2 Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo

開催(かいさい)holding a meeting, open an exhibition

    Definiciones del Diccionario

    1. Pronombre, Verbo する, Verbo transitivo


      celebrar, organizar, promover, convención, conferencia, congreso, evento

    Todas las formas

    開催 【かいさい】

    ComúnPoco común


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      Hosting the Olympics costs a large amount of money.

      • N2


      In our country, the summit will be held next year.

      • N2


      Qatar hosted the Soccer Olympics in 2022.

      • N2


      Because of the currently spreading virus, the hosting of this year's coming-of-age ceremony might be cancelled...

      • N2


      Even if we have extra funds, our company probably won't host a year-end party.

      • N2
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