
N2 レッスン 9: 23/23

も~ば~も…And…, Both ... and ..., ... And ... as well


Noun (A) + Verb[ば]+ Noun (B)

Noun (A) + [い]Adjective[ば]+ Noun (B)

Noun (A) + [な]Adjective + なら + Noun (B)

Noun (A) + Noun + なら + Noun (B)


  • 使用域



も~ば~も is a construction in Japanese which presents aspects of something to which both (A) and (B) are true. も will be connected to a noun, before the hypothetical marking particle ば will appear following a verb, い-Adjective, な-Adjective, or noun. In the case of nouns and な-Adjectives, なら or ならば will be used.

In this way, も~ば~も just highlights that 'If (A) is true, then so is (B)'. This usually just emphasizes that (A) and (B) are things that go together hand-in-hand, with one trait or characteristic always existing if the other does. Standard translations include 'both (A) and (B) are (C)', or 'the trait of (C), is in (A) and (B) as well'.


With も~ば~も, both traits must be things that share some sort of mutual connection. This means that both (A) and (B) will either be positive, neutral, or negative, but never a mixture of any one.




    She has neither status nor money.


    That person has capabilities and puts forth effort.


    He can do photography and also narration.


    There is not any feeling of 'it is going well,' nor is there any indication.


    The Prime Minister can reform the economy and resolve human rights issues.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。






最近の返信 (合計7件)

  • Fuga


    Hey there @DarkConfidant !

    This ば form used here is how it was used in old Japanese and it seems like it is still being used here. Before 〜ば was used for hypothetical situations, it was used to describe how something ‘has already come true’, this form is called 已然形. For example, 彼は、スポーツも上手にできれば、仕事も効率よくできる。If we translate this sentence with the 已然形 in mind, this sentence has the nuance of ‘He can already play sports as well as he can work efficiently.’ Here, できれば does not mean ‘if he can do’, but ‘it is true that he can already do’.

    We hope that this answers your question!

  • DarkConfidant


    Thanks! That helps a lot!

  • Sammouse



    Sorry to resurrect this point a bit, but if ば isn’t being used to convey a hypothetical in this instance, then why does the grammar point still teach it to be as such as opposed to an exception to the rule? I personally get thrown off during reviews when the hint at the top of the card says “Hypothetical, inclusive” despite it not logically fitting with the sentence.

「も~ば~も」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
