

  • Daru

    1/21 Update - Bunpro en Español


    🇺🇸 English Version: Show Hello everyone! I’m very happy to announce that Bunpro is now available in Spanish! image1890×1007 69.3 KB To switch to the Spanish version, simply go to your preferences and select Spanish/Español under the Language option. image966×334 12.2 KB This has been a long-term project quietly in the works. Many of you may have already noticed hints like posts in Spanish here in the forums, the new Community, or our new support email hola@bunpro.jp. Completing this version has also allowed us to implement features like Immersion Mode and opens up the possibility of translating Bunpro into other languages. What’s available in Spanish? The Absolute Beginner module and most of N5 are now available in Spanish. All content has been rewritten and localized for Spanish speakers. The goal was to use neutral Spanish that would be widely understandable, while adding examples and explanations tailored to Spanish speakers. We’re currently polishing some final details, so if you spot something that could be improved, please report it or email us at hola@bunpro.jp. Once those final touches are done, we’ll start translating N4. There’s no set timeline yet, but it’s on our radar. Why Spanish? This is going to get personal, and I might write a lot. So, buckle up. As many of you know, I’m from Mexico, and Spanish is my native language. Several years ago, when I wanted to start studying Japanese, I was frustrated by the lack of quality resources available in my language and country. They didn’t meet my expectations, and in some cases, there weren’t any options at all. That’s when I started looking for alternatives. I’m fortunate enough to speak English fluidly, which gave me access to popular resources like WaniKani, Genki, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar… and Bunpro. My Japanese level improved, and in 2019, I had the chance to go to Japan and live there for six months. It was an incredible experience that gave me life-changing memories and relationships. I’m deeply grateful for that opportunity. I returned to Mexico in early 2020 due to the pandemic. I kept studying, with the goal of achieving N2 and hopefully returning to Japan someday. My study routine helped me stay grounded during those times. About a year after returning, I saw that Bunpro had a design position open. I applied (with a half-empty email sent by accident, followed by a second email apologizing for it ). To my surprise, after a few weeks and interviews, I joined the team on July 2021. I remember proposing a Spanish version of the service during my first interview. I explained how difficult it was to access quality resources in Spanish or materials designed from a Spanish speaker’s perspective. I saw how Bunpro could help others who, like me, wanted to learn Japanese in Spanish. Learning Japanese was life-changing for me, and since joining Bunpro, I’ve worked hard to make that transformation accessible to more people. The Spanish version is but one result of that effort. Since joining Bunpro, I worked on small things for the translation during my free time. When those small efforts started shaping up to something more complete, we connected seeked out external help, and connected with three key members from our community: @Pablunpro, @Jose7822, and @albcasahu. They’ve been instrumental in completing the Spanish version, and we couldn’t have done it without them. Final Words Once again, I want to thank the community and the extraordinary chain of events that brought me here, working on the official Spanish translation of Bunpro. If you notice anything that seems off, don’t forget to report it, and feel free to email us at hola@bunpro.jp with any questions or feedback. I would also like to ask everyone to share the new Spanish Site, (Bunpro.jp/es) and to follow us on our new Spanish accounts: Threads Instagram With that, I wish you all the best in your studies, and thank you again for being here with us. See you next time! ¡Hola a todos! Estoy muy feliz de anunciar que Bunpro ya está disponible en Español. image1890×1007 69.3 KB Para accesar a la versión en Español, simplemente ve a tus preferencias y en la parte de Language/Idioma, elige Spanish/Español. image966×334 12.2 KB Ha sido un proyecto que se ha estado trabajando lentamente de fondo, con muchos de ustedes ya habiendo notado cosas como los posts en Español aquí, la nueva Comunidad o el nuevo correo de soporte hola@bunpro.jp. Tener todo listo para poder tener esta versión en Español es lo que nos permitió poder implementar cosas como el Modo de Inmersión, y abre la posibilidad de traducir Bunpro a otros idiomas. ¿Qué está ya en Español? El módulo de cero absoluto y la mayoría de N5 ya está disponible en Español. Todo el contenido ha sido reescrito y localizado para hispanobalantes. El objetivo fue encontrar un Español suficientemente neutro para ser entendible en la mayoría de los casos, y usar ejemplos y explicaciones adicionales que se apoyen del Español. Por el momento estamos cerrando los últimos detalles por lo que si encuentras algo que puede mejorar, por favor repórtalo o escríbenos a hola@bunpro.jp. Tan pronto esos detalles estén completados, comenzaremos a traducir N4. No tenemos una fecha determinada, pero sí está en el radar. ¿Por qué Español? Voy a hablar desde una perspectiva muy personal, y posiblemente escribir mucho. Así que, agárrense. Como muchos de ustedes ya lo saben, yo soy de México, y el Español es mi lengua nativa. Hace varios años, cuando quería comenzar a estudiar Japonés, sentí una frustración fuerte con la oferta que existía en ese momento de opciones para aprender Japonés en mi idioma, y en mi país. No eran lo que yo esperaba, y en algunos casos ni siquiera existía una opción. Fue ahí donde comencé a buscar alguna alternativa. Tengo el privilegio de dominar muy bien el inglés, lo que me dio acceso a recursos muy populares como WaniKani, Genki, A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar… y Bunpro. Mi nivel de japonés fue subiendo, y en el 2019 tuve la oportunidad de ir a Japón y vivir allá durante 6 meses. Fue una experiencia increíble y forjé recuerdos y relaciones que genuinamente me cambiaron la vida. De verdad que me siento profundamente agradecido por haber tenido esa oportunidad. Regresé a México a inicios del 2020 por la pandemia. Sin embargo, continué con mis estudios, en ese entonces teniendo la meta de conseguir un N2 y poder volver a Japón algún día. Pienso que mi rutina de estudio me ayudó mucho a no perder la cabeza. Aproximadamente un año después de que regresé, noté que en Bunpro se había abierto una vacante de diseño, a la cual apliqué (mandando un correo incompleto por un error de dedo, seguido de otro correo disculpándose por el pasado ) y sorprendentemente, un par de semanas y entrevistas después, me uní oficialmente al equipo en Julio del 2021 . Recuerdo que desde mi primer entrevista, había propuesto hacer una versión en Español del servicio. Expliqué cómo es difícil accesar a información de calidad en mi idioma, o pensada desde la perspectiva de un hispanobalante, y cómo podríamos usar Bunpro para apoyar a todas esas personas que como yo en ese entonces, quieren aprender Japonés en su idioma. Para mi aprender Japonés fue algo que me cambió la vida, y desde que trabajo en Bunpro me esfuerzo mucho porque más personas puedan tener esa transformación. La versión en Español es para mi un resultado de ese deseo. Desde que entré a Bunpro estuve haciendo pequeños esfuerzos durante tiempos muertos para comenzar a traducir el contenido. Cuando ese cúmulo de esfuerzos hizo camino a algo más completo, tuvimos la oportunidad de conectar con 3 miembros clave para la traducción: @Pablunpro , @Jose7822 , y @albcasahu , quienes han estado trabajando con nosotros desde hace un tiempo para poder completar la versión en Español, y que sin ellos no hubiéramos logrado completarla. Palabras Finales Nuevamente quiero agradecer todo el esfuerzo de la comunidad y a la extraordinaria cadena de situaciones que me permitió estar aquí, trabajando en la traducción oficial de Bunpro. Cualquier tema que notes fuera de lugar, recuerda repórtarlo, y siempre puedes escríbenos a hola@bunpro.jp con cualquier tema que quieras tratar. También me gustaría aprovechar para pedirles que compartan el nuevo sitio en Español. (Bunpro.jp/es) y que nos sigan en nuestras cuentas para la versión en Español: Threads Instagram Sin más que decir, te deseo lo mejor en tus estudios, y nuevamente gracias por leernos y estar aquí. ¡Hasta la próxima!
  • Asher

    Bunpro Audio... Evolved! (Major Update Jan-07-2025)


    Happy New Year All! Today we have the huge pleasure of being able to officially introduce a project that has been in the works for several months now, and that I have been dying to leak, but somehow managed to keep under wraps… A complete revamp of the audio on Bunpro! Just how complete? Complete complete. As some of you may have already noticed in N5, there is a completely new set of female voice recordings. This will be happening with the male recordings as well, and will apply to all of the audio on the website TTSは? 👀 This includes the replacement of all the AI generated TTS (text-to-speech) Vocab audio too! (eventually) The male recordings are still processing, but we already have all of the female content, so all the way through N1 will be getting added to the site within the next few weeks! Oh, and also, this also includes new audio for all of the Reading Passages! What makes it so special? I am glad you asked! Here is a list of some of the things you will notice straight away with the new recordings: Character voices As we are using professional Japanese voice actors, we encouraged them to use any of their character voices that they felt fit the sentences or scripts they were reading. If you’re really keen-eared, you may even recognize a voice from one of their professional game/anime works! Check out some of them in the readings! N4 reading examples. Quality As it has all been professionally recorded, the editing itself is also top-notch! It’s an absolute joy to listen to and will have you creating ghosts just because you wanna hear them over and over again! Audio Player Feature Additions The audio is getting an upgrade, so we also of course had to update our player! As some of you may know, these have been available for a while now, but we’ve only just found the right announcement to talk about them: Timestamps in Reading Passages Navigate to and from each individual sentence within Reading Passages! Stuck on something in particular in one of our longer passages? Play the part that you are having trouble with again, or just play the same sentence over and over because you’re having a good time! “Alternating” gender mode for Examples Want to hear both, the genders for a particular sentence during Reviews? Now you can change your Preferred Voice Gender to “Alternate”, and the audio will switch backwards and forwards between the Male and Female voice actors. This can be set in the Voice Preferences menu (the audio player settings popout): Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 21.06.141326×870 55.9 KB Thanks to @discopatrick for the great suggestion! Playback Speed Slider A few users mentioned that ‘Slow’ mode was a bit too slow, and normal speed was a bit too fast. So we’ve given you a slider to adjust, to specify exactly what speed fits your listening ability. This too can be found in the audio player settings. Screenshot 2025-01-07 at 21.10.23636×520 21.9 KB That about wraps it up! All of this audio will slowly be released over the coming weeks (for Grammar) and months (for Vocab), but we were so excited about it, and wanted to start this year off with a bang! We hope all of your studies this year go smoothly, and we look forward to what 2025 will bring. Lastly, a massive thank you to @Haru who has been voicing all of the Bunpro audio for the last several years. The time and effort that you put into the voice recordings in order to make all of our learning experiences better will not be forgotten! Each and every one of us on the team and within the community appreciate your colossal efforts!
  • Jake

    2024 Yearly Recap (Bunpro Wrapped)


    It is hard to believe 2024 is almost over, but that means it is time for the third annual Bunpro Year End Recap! Your 2024 Recap This year we included vocab data (if you have been studying vocab on Bunpro)! It can be easy to get caught up in all your reviews and miss the forest for the trees. Whether you study numerous hours every day, or a few hours a week, the fact that you’ve stuck with learning Japanese is a feat in and of itself. We hope that with this recap you’re able to truly see the great progress you made this year in Bunpro! Some food for thought: Think about any aspect of your learning that you struggled with at the beginning of the year. Whether it was a tough grammar point or struggling to follow an episode of your favorite show in Japanese, it may be worthwhile to revisit those before the end of the year to show yourself just how far you’ve come in such a short time! It was a ton of fun seeing all of the charts that were posted in the yearly recap threads the past two years, as well as reading what your thoughts on the year were + your future goals, so please continue to do that again this year! From all of us here at Bunpro, thanks for making 2024 another exciting year for us . Thank you for continuing to use and support us with such passion and enthusiasm year after year. See you all next year! 良いお年を! The Bunpro Team
  • Jake

    Lifetime Sale, A Year in Review and 2025


    Some things are meant to go together: Hot chocolate & marshmallows , Nara deer & bowing for biscuits and Bunpro & an annual Lifetime Sale! From now through roughly the 7th of January 2025, all lifetime subscriptions will be on sale for $120 (down from their usual price of $150). As always, if you are currently subscribed and decide to upgrade, you will be prorated for any unused time on your current subscription. We’d like to split this post into three categories - Past, Present, and Future. Let’s start by taking a look at an overview of additions and adjustments we made to the site in 2024! Content Updates: Practice reading Japanese: New and improved Reading Passages for all levels Expand beyond the JLPT: New every-day grammar like ~やがる and おおよそ. Fully immerse: N1 grammar explanations entirely in Japanese. Improve your reading comprehension: Over 40,000 new Vocab example sentences for words of all levels. Built in Dictionary: JMDict information is now integrated into our Vocabu definitions. Hone your Pronunciation: Pitch accent audio for Vocab. Platform Updates: Better first experience: Revamped our onboarding and added a new user tour. Control what and how you learn: Our new Learn Queue & Daily Goal lets you set up your study flow and pace to fit your needs. Vocab Cram: Improved Cram’s interface and options to cram Vocab & Decks. GoKana Arcade Game: A fun way for new (and old) learners to test their Kana skills. Create and Share Custom Decks: Build your own custom Grammar & Vocab Decks to learn from or share with friends. This includes a text import tool, allowing you to import from sources such as Anki. Optimize your Learning: Improved SRS intervals and big quality of life improvements such as ghosts and self study reviews for Vocab Improved mobile experience: Expanded functionality and improved the UI with plans for a full release in 2025. After a busy year last year, we kept our foot on the gas and pushed out a lot of updates to the site this year! Our theme this year was 進化(しんか)- “evolution/progress/improvement”, as a lot of the work this year revolved around changing and improving the existing experience of using the site. Things like overhauling how and what you study, improving the SRS algo, adding a bunch of QoL improvements like JMDict info and vocab ghosts/self study. As is tradition now, last year we laid out for you what we had on our horizons for 2024 to get you excited as a Bunpro user - let’s see how we did! Looking back on our goals for 2024 from one year ago: Release 75-100 new grammar points from our list, including some N0 content. We only fully released about 20 But we have a lot more in varying states of completion and have also been adding new ones to our list of grammar we want to add. We will be focusing more effort toward getting that grammar released this coming year. Full overhaul of decks including but not limited to: adjustments to the content in existing decks and a “Bunpro order”, ability to create and share your own decks. Done, plus custom decks are in beta! A better search Done! Finishing and releasing N2 and N1 vocab sentences, translations and fill in the blank/reading reviews. Done! New Reading Passages and an update to existing ones (rewriting to reflect and obey the new grammar ordering). Done! A full release of the mobile app. Done for Android, quite close for iOS (only waiting on supporting in app subscriptions) While we have been teasing it for a long time, maybe 2024 will actually be the year of the Bunpro Merch store. 2025 for sure! With all the requests we get to add kanji info to the site, we might begin to explore what that looks like. Maybe 2025 Start adding the additional vocab lists as studyable decks with cloze translations, aiming for at least 5 new decks of 1000 words each translated in 2024, each with 8 example sentences. Made good progress on adding a lot of sentences (over 100k currently on the site) but no specific decks yet for the additional lists. Add tense/similar information for ever single grammar review on the website (almost done!) Done Rerecording of all female audio on the website with a far better microphone! (N5 will be finished very soon!) We have newly recorded audio for grammar by professional voice actors/actresses. This is in post production. Have already begun the beta production of a relatively large scale project that will integrate students even more with their external teachers and forms of study… More info coming! Released the Teacher Dashboard! Japanese/English hints for N3, N2, and possibly even N1 vocab! Currently in progress! Our Goals for 2025 Finish and Release 50-75 new grammar points from our list. A profile overhaul to make it a more useful and fun part of the site. N1 Reading passages New professional audio for grammar and real audio to replace the TTS that vocab has. A full release of the mobile app followed by some design overhauls and changes to take advantage of app only functionality. The future might finally be hear and 2025 may actually be the year of the Bunpro Merch store. Explore adding some sort of kanji aspect to the site, if only the information and ability to see vocab that share kanji. Japanese/English hints for Vocab from N3 on. Explore translating Bunpro into other languages (currently we offer a Spanish translation of N5 that hasn’t been officially released yet). And that’s it! Another year in the books for Bunpro! We say it every year but everything we do is shaped by your feedback, both positive and negative. Bunpro would not be anywhere close to the site it is today without all of you, so thank you for everything you do! All of us here at the team hope that no matter how you are spending the holidays, you are having an enjoyable time. See you in 2025!
  • Jake

    BunsGiving 2024


    Happy BunsGiving 2024! BunsGiving is back again this year! Whether you celebrate it as Thanksgiving, 勤労感謝の日, or as just another day in late November, what better time of the year than now to show someone how much you care by giving them the Gift of Grammar™! Why spread the Gift of Grammar™? Over the years, we have had users reach out about gifting Bunpro subscriptions to friends and family. While this has always unofficially been a thing, with the success of BunsGiving a couple years ago, we made it an official time of the year here! Starting today, through next Monday, all gifted subscriptions are 20% off! Share the joy of tackling new grammar, smashing a tall stack of reviews, exorcizing pesky ghosts, and seeing your JLPT progress bars slowly fill up. Not to mention the pure joy of synonym hell, the fear of losing motivation to study daily to keep your streak, or yet another color update!! Bunpro truly has something for everyone. So if there is someone you would like to support or encourage, whether it is a friend, a family member, or even that someone special , a Bunpro subscription is the perfect gift for any occasion. How can I gift a subscription? We streamlined the progress this year. Simply log into your Bunpro account, access your subscription page here: Subscription Page and fill in the Bunsgiving Form. The email address or Bunpro username you want to send the gift to How much subscription time you’d like to gift. Lastly, if you would like to include a message to the person you are gifting it to, please let us know. Alternatively, you can gift it anonymously as well. We will send you an invoice for the subscription time you wish to gift that you can pay for via PayPal. Once we have a transaction ID, we will apply it to their account. The sale prices are as follows: Length Price 1 month $5 → $4 1 year $50 → $40 Lifetime $150 → $120 Custom Depends on length Black Friday Lifetime Sale Maybe that special someone in need of a little grammar TLC is you. While the Bunsgiving Sale is active, you can give yourself the Gift of Grammar directly with a discounted lifetime membership ($120). See your subscription page for details. Annual Lifetime Sale The BunsGiving Sale on subscriptions is separate from the upcoming annual sale on lifetime memberships ($120) that will begin in late December. As always, the Bunpro team is eternally grateful for the continued support and feedback everyone provides. You are what we are thankful for this BunsGiving Season. いつもありがとうございます。 Bonus festive prose (with a lot of editing) from ChatGPT The air is thick and warm, like the promise of comfort and chaos in equal measure. It’s the scent of grammar reviews slowly coming due, releasing an earthy aroma that mingles with the sweet waft of cinnamon and cloves from Thanksgiving dinner. Your fingers tingle for the excitement of synonyms and at least one “Can you say it another way?” in your upcoming review session. The air smells like memories, too: the sweetness of N5 grammar being mastered, the frustration of N3’s synonym hell, and of course, the pure ecstasy you felt when reading an N1 grammar writeup all in Japanese for the first time. It’s the smell of familiarity, of huddling over the keyboard, of a million tiny moments stitched together over years, each one leaving its own linguistic mark. You can almost taste it, thick and heavy, as the interface pulls you in, filling you with a hunger for knowledge, nostalgia, and the quiet joy of tradition. It’s Bunsgiving—before the first new grammar of the day, before the chaos of a review pile too large to tackle in one sitting, right there in the stillness lies the promise that everything else will be just as it should.
  • Jake

    Community Decks - November 19th 2024


    Hey all! After much anticipation, we’re happy to announce the Beta release of Community Decks! Community Decks allow you to: Create your own Decks Clone existing ones to edit as you please Share your Decks (privately and publicly) Access other users’ publicly shared Decks to use on your own. How to Access: You need to opt into Beta features in your account settings. Simply toggle the “Opt In” setting under “Bunpro Beta” to “Yes” and the new changes will replace the old version of Decks. image746×125 7.29 KB You can always opt out of the Beta if you want the old Decks view. Doing so will not delete your Custom Decks. Broad Deck Changes We made some sweeping changes to the Explore Decks and individual Deck pages. The browse decks page now has four tabs. My Decks: Your Learn Queue Decks, Custom Decks, and Bookmarked Decks Bunpro: This page contains the Bunpro Grammar, Vocab and Misc decks (Kansai-ben and Onomatopoeia) Textbooks: All of the various textbook paths such as Genki, Tae Kim and so on. Community: All public decks grouped by Deck Type (Grammar, Vocab, Anime, Novel and so on) Each deck tile on the browse page has a “User Count” attached so you can see which Decks are popular. We also added a Bunpro icon to tell which are “Official Bunpro Decks” at a quick glance. One downgrade was the removal of the Review button on each Deck tile. This was ultimately done because the query to calculate the number due takes a little bit of time. While not an issue when there are only a few Decks, pages with more took several seconds to load sometimes. Given the unexpected sadness about this change, we have brought the little guy out of retirement on just the My Decks page. That means all the decks shown here (learning, custom or bookmarked) will have the button available. image704×452 57 KB On the Individual Deck pages themselves, we adjusted the information in the header to include the Deck Type and user count. We also streamlined the available buttons, including a Review button along with the Learn button and made it more clear if the deck was in your Learn queue or not. image1386×132 78.1 KB The button group in the bottom contains the following buttons: Bookmark - Edit (if it is your deck) - Clone - Deck Settings Custom Decks image1388×383 17.5 KB Creating Under the My Decks page, you can click on the “Create a New Deck” button to open a form that lets you specify the title, description, type and also upload a cover image. image901×879 37.9 KB Once you create a Deck, it will take you to the Edit page. image1544×589 94.3 KB Building & Editing The first step of any new Deck is to add a Unit. You can add a title and label to make it more clear what the theme of the unit is. For a textbook Deck for example you might call it ‘Lesson 1’. For an anime deck, it might be Episode 1. Each Deck can have any number of Units. image1244×360 68.3 KB After you have at least one Unit, you can add cards to your Deck. These cards reference Grammar/Vocab within Bunpro and live under a specific Unit. You can add any number of cards to a Unit. image894×558 37 KB Within the Add Card search, you can also specify which Unit it should be added to. Lastly, you can drag and drop both Units and cards to sort the default order they appear in, within the Deck. image1325×837 50.3 KB To edit the title, description, type or cover image, use the small pencil icon next to the Deck title Cloning One additional way to build a Deck is to clone an existing one. A cloned Deck will be copy of an existing one but it will belong to you. You can edit it, adding, removing or rearranging it to get it just the way you want. Sharing Decks Once you have built your deck, you can optionally choose to share it. This will give you a link you can send directly to another user that will let them see the deck and even study from it. If you want to share your Deck more broadly, you can send your Deck for admin review, and once approved, it will show up under the Community tab and any user can study from it. There might even be some “Deck Builder” badges coming in the near future CSV Imports We are currently in the process of adding a page to allow users to import Vocab in a CSV format too. This will be released slightly further down the line. Community Decks Building and sharing a Deck, whether it is for a textbook, manga or TV show, is a great way to help other users also learning from the same media. With a Bunpro Deck in hand, whether you pre-study the content or simply use the Deck as a quick lookup as you go, it makes reading a new book, or watching a new show go so much more smoothly. If you make an awesome Deck, don’t be too shy to share it. Even for obscure content, it is guaranteed to have have a positive impact on other users and help them in their learning journey! We hope you enjoy this update! As this is a Beta, we welcome and encourage any and all discussion and feedback. We look forward to hearing from you! We are looking forward to seeing what our community can come up with. The Bunpro Team
  • Chihiro

    Announcement! N1 Grammar JP Translation is Now Available 11/15


    Hi, all! Today, I have an announcement regarding N1 Grammar. Now, you can learn N1 Grammar in Japanese! Purpose This is a new feature for N1-level learners who want to study grammar in Japanese. By learning in Japanese, you won’t have to switch between English and Japanese during your studies, which allows you to keep your brain in ‘Japanese mode’ and helps you to think in Japanese. Are there any differences between English and Japanese? We translated English write-ups into Japanese, so the structure and information remain the same. However, while the original English write-ups are written from the perspective of English speakers for English speakers, we had to modify the Japanese write-ups a bit. For example, we often compare English and Japanese in our write-ups, but in the Japanese version, we had to remove the explanation that use English meanings. Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 21.59.141509×228 22.9 KB Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 21.59.361488×190 18.1 KB Our translation goals are (1) to have zero English in Japanese write-ups (and we have successfully written 99.9% in Japanese) and (2) to ensure natural Japanese. So, please note that sometimes the translations may not be 1:1 literal translations. What is the level of Grammar and Vocabulary? We use only the grammar that users have already learned at each level. Regarding vocabulary, we use words that are listed on our N5 to N1 vocabulary lists as much as possible. However, there may be a few words that are not on those lists although they are still commonly used. If you find any of them too difficult or if there’s anything we missed, please let us know! We’re always open to modify and improve our contents. How to switch between English and Japanese? Just click the button at the top-right corner of the write-ups box! You can find this switch on every grammar page. Once you change the language, the setting will be applied to all other grammar pages. Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 22.23.561523×509 64.8 KB Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 22.24.181531×510 67.6 KB Is the Japanese available only N1? Yes, the Japanese write-ups are currently available only for N1 grammar. However, if this feature looks beneficial for many users and becomes popular, we’re willing to expand to other levels as well! Thank you for all of your support in joining the community, giving us feedback, and helping us improve the site for all users. We hope this new feature can help you in your learning journey!
  • veritas_nz

    Vocab Update – Dictionary Definitions, Ghosts & Self-Study


    BOO! This Halloween, scare yourself silly with 100+ Vocab Ghosts in your Review queue! We have released THREE major Vocab updates. So without further ado: 1. JMDict Dictionary Definitions for Vocab We have added Dictionary Definitions to all Vocab words on Bunpro! The new info can be seen next to the Details section: 言葉 22760×1592 261 KB These have been sourced through JMDict, an open-source, community powered Japanese dictionary database. JMDict powers most online Japanese dictionaries out there, and many of you may be familiar with this amazing project. それ2750×1584 234 KB We hope that the addition of Dictionary Definitions directly to the Vocab pages will help save you a lot of time spent tabbing to other dictionaries (that all essentially show the same data). NSFW definitions If you have your “Show NSFW Content” set to “No” (the default) in the General settings, definitions marked as vulgar or profane will be blurred out by default. You can click on the blurred definitions to reveal them. 🔞 Screenshots 🤫 naughty-1910×642 22.8 KB naughty-2910×642 16.6 KB 2. Vocab Ghosts Ghosts are now available for Vocab! They function the exact same as Grammar Ghosts. They will be generated automatically (or not at all) based on the new Vocab-specific Ghost Review settings in the Review Settings page. Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 2.13.15 PM1174×318 14.1 KB As with Grammar Ghosts, you can also create Vocab Ghosts manually, on a per sentence basis, using the sentence-menu (click the ︙) in the Examples section: ghost-create-1 21616×524 43 KB Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 2.18.00 PM1610×626 49.9 KB 3. Vocab Self-Study Sentences The ability to create Self Study-Sentences for Vocab has also been added. Now at the bottom of the Vocab Example sentences, you’ll find the familiar “Add Self-Study Sentence” button. usq-1 21528×932 87.6 KB Like with Grammar, you can use our special syntax to create yourself custom study questions. These are added to your Review queue and have SRS levels the same as regular Reviews. usq-21042×1150 80.3 KB usq-32440×1110 146 KB 亜(あ) Furigana Answers! We have also recently allowed you to add furigana to your answer, in addition to the text surrounding the answer. E.g. In the screenshot, the answer (北 – north) is added as 北(きた). Wrapping it in full-width Japanese parenthesis makes it function as any other furigana’d word in Bunpro. When it comes to submitting your answer, submit just the part in hiragana! So if the answer is 食べる, the furigana will 食(た)べる, and the correct input will be just taberu. Like with Grammar, you can keep track of both your Vocab Ghosts and Self-Study sentences on the Dashboard, under the “Progress” section. dash-1 21990×766 62.5 KB That about wraps it up! Another quality of life update for Vocab that our wonderful users can hopefully all benefit from. We read all feedback, please comment below if you have any feedback at all, or if you notice anything odd. As always, happy studying! The team at Bunpro
  • veritas_nz

    Kana, GoKana, new Onboarding & more!


    Good day fellow Bun-pros. We’ve been toiling away at a new set of features, and finally get to announce them to you lovely people! A big part of the Bunpro Experience™️ that was in dire need of a facelift was helping new users get off to the right start when first joining. Once you finished signing up for Bunpro, you were asked a few questions, then thrown feet first into the fire. There was no explanation of features, and you were basically out of luck if you couldn’t read hiragana and katakana. We have added a bunch of new features to help make those first few steps when learning with Bunpro a little less painful. To help remedy these issues, we present the following: Bunpro’s Complete Guide to Learning Kana On the Kana page, you’ll find a fully-featured tool for learning Hiragana/Katakana and all their combinations and modifications! kana-12402×1334 496 KB More Screenshots kana-22746×1106 263 KB kana-32438×1495 147 KB kana-41664×1424 318 KB kana-51660×1424 231 KB kana-61672×1348 223 KB Features: All Hiragana, Katakana, and combinations Split into bite-sized sections Complete with description, fun facts, and other info Pronunciation and typing info Natively recorded audio Mark each row of kana items as ‘Read’ Which enables… Kana Practice Quizzes for drilling each of the items (with audio) And… Printable Kana charts, Bunpro-themed kana-41256×489 17.3 KB You’ll find them scattered throughout the Kana page, and aggregated in the Resources section at the bottom. Here are some direct links to them too for those curious: Full Hiragana Chart Full Katakana Chart Hiragana Writing Practice Katakana Writing Practice Free Writing Practice Once you’ve learnt all those darned kanas, you can test your knowledge, IN THE ARENA! Introducing… GoKana image1280×720 79.8 KB We recently added GoKana, to Bunpro, a neat little app originally developed by Brody Smith! It’s a neat little kana flashcard arcade game that features a leaderboard, native audio, sound feedback, and cool animations Compete for a high score in each of the many different hiragana/katakana combinations! Screenshots gokana-11686×1286 96.8 KB gokana-21686×1286 77.2 KB gokana-31686×1286 116 KB gokana-51686×1286 115 KB gokana-61684×1286 141 KB Onboarding & Tour An Onboarding is a process that helps new users quickly customize the product to their needs and hit the ground running. Our goal with this update was to create a smoother experience for all the people that are completely new to Bunpro, setting up for success in record time. If you ever wanted to invite someone to join Bunpro, now’s a great time! Onboarding Features… Level select Select between not only N5 to N1 as your level, but also ‘Absolute Zero’ – which will take you through learning Kana before you start at N5 Optional textbook selection Set a textbook as your Deck right during the Onboarding, otherwise choose between Grammar, Vocab or Both as your content type. Pace Selection With concrete indicator of items learned per day Time to fnish A indicator of how long it will take to finish your chosen Deck/contents Confetti upon finishing Onboarding Screenshots All steps included onboarding-12434×1592 192 KB onboarding-22438×1594 262 KB onboarding-31920×1255 103 KB onboarding-42438×1594 214 KB onboarding-52438×1594 276 KB onboarding-62438×1594 319 KB Tour Through the Tour you’ll receive a much overdue intro to the Learn system (both the Lesson and Quiz steps ), the Summary and the Dashboard pages (including the Learn dropdown). Screenshots Only a few steps from the Tours are screenshotted. tour-12438×1594 404 KB tour-22438×1590 196 KB tour-32436×1592 216 KB tour-42436×1590 348 KB tour-52436×1590 385 KB tour-72434×1588 415 KB Unfortunately while the Onboarding cannot be re-accessed by existing users, the Tour can! Links to re-access the Tour for those that are curious NOTE: Some parts of the Tour may be broken for existing (post-onboarding) users. https://bunpro.jp/onboarding/tour/learn https://bunpro.jp/onboarding/tour/summary https://bunpro.jp/onboarding/tour/dashboard Anyway, that about wraps it up for this update! The bad news: Most of you are long-time users, who are well beyond benefitting from this new set of Bunpro-branded training wheels. The good news You get to use your battle-hardened prowess to dominate the leaderboard in GoKana. On a more serious note, with all this beginner-focused goodness now done and dusted, we now have cleared up time again to 100% focus on features that you can all enjoy! As always, please let us know any feedback or bugs you find with this or any of our services, we read it all and it means a lot to us. Thanks and as always, happy studying! The Bunpro Team PS: App versions of GoKana and Kana will be out shortly 🙇‍♂️
  • veritas_nz

    ✨ Quality of Life Updates (Sep 2024)


    New Feature Roundup Like we did last time, we’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous features we’ve released that aren’t each big enough for their own announcement. Anyway, without further ado: Vocab TTS audio added We’ve added AI-generated TTS (text-to-speech) audio for all JLPT, A-list and E-list Vocab. This means that when you are doing Translate-type reviews, you will get the audio for the individual Vocab items now. vocab-tts-22192×1106 106 KB This audio is also available in the same place as Pitch Accent on the individual Vocab pages. Hide TTS Audio In the same vein as us adding more TTS audio, we have also implemented this long requested feature. You can now turn off TTS audio, which will hide it from wherever it would usually display. This setting is called Hide TTS Audio, and can be found under Content Display on the General Settings page. To reiterate, as the warning under the setting mentions, TTS Only applies to Vocab. Grammar sentences contain no TTS audio. Daily Wanikani Sync We have changed how linking your Wanikani account works here. Gone are the days of needing to periodically import the latest changes! You now have the option to turn on “Daily Sync” which will get the latest changes with your api key. image889×399 26.6 KB We have additionally added a “Mark as Mastered” setting. If this is turned on, when you use the “Import once now” button or toggle on the daily sync, any imported vocab from Wanikani will be marked as mastered, otherwise it will import it for additional practice. Vocab JLPT Progress Another relatively common feature request we get is the addition of JLPT Progress bar support for Vocab items. As part of our mission to increase the parity of feature support for Vocab and Grammar, this upgrade has been added to the Dashboard, in the same location as before. jlpt-mixed850×334 12.3 KB jlpt-grammar726×328 9.57 KB jlpt-vocab728×326 9.6 KB So you won’t have to toggle through them each time, your last state will be preserved between sessions when toggling through the Grammar/Vocab/Mixed types. New Search page We’ve also added a new Search page, that replaces the old Vocab Search page (/vocabs). search-12794×1352 241 KB This allows us to link a shared, unified Search page wherever the magnifying-glass icon buttons exist. This is actually a stop-gap feature, of which we will drastically build upon in a future update. The added features for this stopgap though, are as follows: Results count and a better grid display Filtering and sorting the results of the Search Tip: Filter by Grammar-only to greatly increase Grammar-only search speeds Sort by Relevance, JLPT and SRS levels Storing and loading query params in the URL bar E.g. /search?query=ですが This is great for advanced users that have search integration tools that work based on URL queries Fuzzy searching for English More comprehensive searches when searching in both English or Japanese search-21390×718 32.5 KB Hide “Latest Community Discussions” For those that find the Latest Community Discussions section on the Dashboard just too tantalizing when trying to study… We have added a setting called Hide Community Discussions. It can be found under the Dashboard section on the General Settings page. Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 6.33.52 PM1920×628 91.3 KB Notes Updates Notes has been moved to the sidebar As many of you may have noticed, Notes has been moved to the sidebar. It will stick to the sidebar as you scroll down the Vocab/Grammar page, allowing you to take Notes while viewing the content notes-12436×1126 248 KB notes-32434×1112 284 KB Auto-sync Notes will automatically be saved as you edit them. The state of the automatic saving being displayed by the cloud icon in the top right of the Note notes-4886×380 20.6 KB Expanded Notes Editor Next to the cloud icon, is another new addition. notes-5882×384 21.4 KB Clicking it will expand the Note editor to fill up half of your screen, for those lengthier Notes. notes-62434×818 113 KB Anyway, that’s it for this Quality of Life™️ update! We hope you enjoy the new features, and, as always, if you notice anything bugged or sub-optimal, please leave us a reply below and we’ll look into it ASAP. Have a great day and happy studying! The Bunpro Team